The IST welcomes prospective new members interested in toxinology, whether experimental or clinical. IST membership is drawn from a wide spectrum of interests, including those interested in the taxonomy and biology of toxin-producing organisms, biochemists and pharmacologists working with toxins, researchers using toxins as tools or to develop new therapies for human disease, agricultural scientists researching new pest control tools using toxins, scientists working to produce antivenoms and antitoxins, and clinicians involved in diagnosing and treating the effects of toxins. This broad scope encompasses venomous animals, such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, jellyfish etc, poisonous animals, poisonous plants and mushrooms, algal toxins, and bacterial toxins.
Amanita muscaria, Foxglove, and a jellyfish. Photos by Julian White.
Full Membership is open to persons who have conducted and published meritorious original research on aspects of toxinology.
Associate Membership is available to persons interested in toxinology, but unable to fulfil the requirements for full membership.
Student Membership is a further class of membership for bona fide students.
Membership dues fall into two classes:
Full or Associate Membership. Currently this costs US$55 annually, and is paid to the Society by credit card on-line (see the Paying Subscriptions page for further details). Financial Full and Associate Members and Student Members will have access to Toxicon online via an Elsevier web page and the cost of this is covered by annual dues.
Student Membership. US$15 annually, and student status must be confirmed.
Membership no longer includes subscription to the print version of the IST journal Toxicon, but financial members of IST are entitled to subscribe to Toxicon (print version) at a discounted rate (see the Paying Subscriptions page for further details).