About the Clinical toxinology short course
Adelaide, Australia
details pending
December 12th to 19th, 2019
The first Clinical Toxinology Short Course was offered in November 1997. This intensive one week course covered all major aspects of venomous and poisonous animals worldwide, with emphasis on clinical effects and treatment strategies. An international faculty of experts in various aspects of toxinology delivered a series of lectures, practicals and clinical case discusions.
Only 30 positions were available for the first course, resulting in many who were unable to attend, as the course was full well in advance of the final registration date. Since then several further courses have been held (1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017). Positions in the courses are always limited.
An abbreviated version of the Course was offered in association with the North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology in October 2006 (San Francisco) and silmilar versions of the Course may be offered elsewhere in the future. These versions do not replace the full course and will only offer access to limited portions of the Course curriculum, with limited faculty available for teaching. The content of the next full course will be similar to that offered in 2017, though with some changes to timetable and faculty.
The full short courses are aimed at clinicians, especially those working in emergency medicine or intensive care who are likely to be involved in treatment of cases of venomous or poisonous animal, fungi and plant bites, stings and ingestions. The courses would also be of great value for toxicologists and poisons centre specialists. General practitioners in more remote areas who regularly see toxinology cases would also find either set of courses of value. The courses are not offered to those outside the health professions, except in exceptional circumstances.
The next course is scheduled for December 12 – December 19, 2019 (full international “short” course).
The 2019 Course will be held over 8 days (7 days of sessions with an interlude midway on the Sunday) covering venomous and poisonous animals, plants and fungi worldwide, with an emphasis on practical clinical information and skills.
Date: December 12 – December 19, 2019
Further information about the International Clinical Toxinology Short Course 2019 can be found here.
Downloads Course brochure (available later).
Course enrolment form (fillable PDF).
Enquiries can be made to:
Assoc. Prof. Julian White (Email), Toxinology Department, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide SA 5006 AUSTRALIA; fax ++61-8-8161 8024